Monday, December 11, 2006


The best place to live in probably is a big red house located on one of Copenhagen's beautiful canals. I now have this fantasy of inheriting it and renting the appartments. According to a well-informed insider, this is how I can keep warm and well-nourished until the end of my life without ever needing to send any applications to any employer. Hehe.

The worst place to live in probably is any flat located right next to Copenhagen's amusement park Tivoli, especially when it's next to one of its wild rides, e.g. The Demon, or The Golden Tower. I still can hear the screams of terror. By the way, I just found out that Tivoli promotes taking the Golden Tower (free-falling from 80m high!) as ultimate test of character [!]. I'm sure you guessed that I failed... *bouhou*

The worst thing that could happen to you in Copenhagen is forgetting your camera - now guess what happened to me? It's an incredible town, from its cobbles to its rooftops. Everything there's grandiose, from the Christmas decorations to the crowds of people in the streets, the price of your coffee and the number of super-rich and well-dressed humans (especially men!). Now this could be read as the description of an extremely decadent, tasteless and snobbish capital - but somehow Copenhagen manages to take all these adjectives and turn them into something magical and truly enchanting.

This is certainly due to the fact that all these Gucci/Prada/I don't know what - people suffer from a spectacularly odd succession of strange sounds flowing out of their mouths - this makes their richness more tolerable and somewhat a merciful compensation for their horrible disease. If you want to listen to this clown-language, click the following link (you'll also see what Tivoli looks like these days): Christmas at Tivoli.

Conclusion: a trip to Copenhagen is highly recommended.

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