Thursday, November 09, 2006

our bodies are wonderlands...

Bouhou... I missed Grupo Corpo this summer in Graz and I just did the big mistake of looking up the Internet for some videos... Now I know WHAT I missed... *sniff*
Such a clever choreography! Such incredible body control! Such beautiful people! (Brazilians, of course... *arghs*)

At least, these pictures of super-elastic masses of flesh (because I'm sure there are no bones!) make me work out harder. I'd like to know what my dad would say if he knew that I'm currently practicing a Yoga-pose called The Crow? Imagine if he saw me, inelegantly perched on my upper arms with my derrière in the air - would he try to shoot me like the real crows when their croaking wakes him up in the morning? :)

Now that I'm getting better and a more and more authentic crow, I'm terrified of going home for Christmas. Maybe I should skip this pose and focus on something less dangerous. For instance, I could stand like on the picture below and put some red ribbons in my hair - voilà!

Or I could do the Fish and turn into a Christmas Carp (dangerous, too)?

Or I'll play the innocent (Christ-)Child:

Now go and claim that Yoga doesn't save lives!

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